The company has two plants that employ cutting-edge technology; they are periodically upgraded and monitored according to ISO 9002 standards, to ensure constant reliability for clients large and small.
Particular attention is devoted to environmental issues, with highly innovative water treatment technologies, and, for some time now, ongoing research into products and formulas that can reduce environmental impact, in some cases even improving the quality of the final product.
Environmental and social responsibility policy
MB3 tannery invests every year in researching alternative solutions for leather treatment, with a focus on the environment, sustainability of production operations, and the protection of human rights and working conditions. For this reason, the Management has decided to expand its attention to Environmental management and Social responsibility.
In this context, we believe it is necessary to:
– Monitor the environmental aspects associated with our activities and those of the companies working on our behalf, as well as comply with relevant environmental regulations;
– Monitor the social aspects, health, and safety associated with tannery operations while adhering to ethical principles towards employees and all stakeholders;
– Develop appropriate management tools to control significant environmental aspects, comply with mandatory legislative requirements, and ensure health, safety, and social well-being;
– Continuously improve our abilities to effectively manage and control these aspects.
To achieve these objectives, we have implemented an environmental and social responsibility management system that allows us to:
– Have an effective tool for managing activities from an environmental perspective;
– Publicly demonstrate our commitment to social issues affecting our workers and all stakeholders, while controlling and, where possible, reducing and improving the environmental, ethical, and social impacts associated with our operations;
– Where possible, encourage a “spirit of social and environmental responsibility” among the companies working on our behalf;
– Monitor, to the extent possible, the environmental, social, health, and safety aspects related to significant suppliers;
– Promote targeted awareness-raising activities among our processing suppliers to increase their sensitivity towards the environment and social responsibility;
– Adhere to principles of transparency, fairness, and good faith in relationships with institutions, clients, suppliers, competitors, and prevent any unfair practices that violate the code of conduct and social responsibility we have committed to;
– Ensure full compliance with all mandatory regulatory and legal requirements applicable to our environmental aspects and products, as well as labor regulations and occupational health and safety legislation, including, in particular, the Workers’ Statute and the National Collective Labor Agreement.
With this document, we aim to define and communicate to external stakeholders and all internal and external personnel the principles that we intend to follow in managing our activities, which include:
– Full compliance with all mandatory regulatory and legal requirements applicable to our environmental aspects and products;
– Commitment to uphold the principles of the UNIC Code of Conduct and Social Responsibility;
– Promoting among employees a sense of responsibility towards the environment, which involves awareness of the potential environmental “harm” or “benefit” that can arise from our processes and operational methods;
– Control and reduction, where possible, of the company’s environmental impact through constant research for optimal solutions aimed at reducing pollution at its source;
– Continuous improvement of environmental performance achieved through waste reduction, such as minimizing the use of raw materials and energy, as well as better control of environmental costs related to waste treatment (disposal/recovery);
– Commitment to continuously improve our social responsibility management system and organizational structure;
– Evaluation of the environmental effects of ongoing activities and any new activities, products, or processes that the company intends to implement in the future, as well as the evaluation of new goods/services that will be utilized;
– Development and, if necessary, updating of emergency procedures to mitigate the environmental impacts resulting from accidental situations;
– Periodic assessment of the effectiveness of our environmental management system;
– Utilization of appropriate forms of communication to provide the public with the necessary information to understand the environmental and social responsibility impacts of our activities. This includes establishing an open, effective, and understandable dialogue with all stakeholders, including administrators and management.
This policy is disseminated within the company to ensure that it is known and supported by all staff members. It is also made available to the public, allowing external stakeholders to access and review it.
Additionally, this policy is complemented by environmental and social objectives and targets that are planned and periodically reviewed by the management.
These objectives and targets are communicated to the company’s personnel and made available to those who request them.